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    You receive from the lifestyle whatever you are willing to put into it based on your wants and desires.

    There are many variations in living the lifestyle. These variations are based on what you are seeking as well as your comfort level.

    Healthy Lifestyle

    Healthy Lifestyle Activities and Benefits

    Living a healthy lifestyle is becoming physically fit and observing proper diet. We cannot possibly become healthy just by eating healthy food alone. On the other hand, one cannot also claim a lifestyle being healthy if little or almost no time at all is spent on some physical activities. Therefore, living healthy  is a good balance of both.

    It is becoming physically fit and observing proper diet. We cannot possibly become healthy just by eating healthy food alone. On the other hand, one cannot also claim living a healthy lifestyle if little or almost no time at all is spent on some physical activities. A healthy lifestyle, therefore, is a good balance of both.

    Author: Dr. Badr Moukhtar

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